Welcome to INDUSTRY 4.0 subpage. 

Here you can find short overview of Industry 4.0 consept. 

In the page you can find text and pictures and also brief video lecture by a specialist in his field. 

After studying materials in the page  and watching video lecture, you can understand concept of Industry 4.0 and how it is grately related with 3D printing technologies!

You can also find little self-check question it the end of the page

Industry 4.0 – digital technologies that includes 3D printing

Industry 4.0 is called the "smart manufacturing' process", in which computer systems monitor the physical processes of a factory and make different decisions.  

Industry 4.0 has made more changes in the business/manufacturing progress than some new machines- We will use known machines, which are modified and by that we mean we will give machines little bit of intuition. With the help of artificial intelligence and virtual reality machines can do mindless and repetitive jobs without human intervention, allowing humans to focus more on their core competencies.

As a joke, we can say that there are 2 living creatures who are working in the factory of the future - a dog who guards the factory and a person who feeds the dog 😊

The essential components or framework of Industry 4.0 involves:

From the company's point of view, Industry 4.0 has three equally important aspects:

The most important mistakes companies make:

Industry 4.0 has become synonymous with the digitalisation of industry. 

Historically, industrial revolutions are distinguished as follows:


Industrial revolution timeline:

When understanding the timeline, try to think about what geopolitical events and inventions might have changed all of this!

Image source: https://bit.ly/3HliVAc

In industry, the "4th Industrial Revolution" enables smarter use and management of production resources, thereby improving business potential and productivity. Europe has been at the forefront of manufacturing in the world, and the emphasis on smart manufacturing makes it possible to consolidate this position - low-cost products developed in Europe can be copied quickly in Asian low-wage countries, but not so easily on smart devices and cloud services.

In scientific terms, the implementation of Industry 4.0 also means that it is not necessary to duplicate laboratories with expensive equipment, but by using and developing digital tools, devices costing millions can also be used remotely as digital twins.

In education, Industry 4.0 means a growing demand for engineering and IT skills, as well as knowledge of e-business and new business models. The share of higher paid specialists in employment is increasing with the growth of productivity and the demand for them is growing.

The topics of the next industrial revolution, e Industry 5.0, are already being discussed in academia. This is expected to be related to changing human roles - technological developments allow people to integrate the product creation and production process, monitor and adapt production to individual parameters, and produce personalized products and services according to each customer's personal needs and parameters.

Industry 4.0 developments in the world

According to the production index of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), all industries are ranked. In several countries - compared to 2015, the production has increased despite the corona period.

NB! The OECD does not include in its statistics China, where the methods of collecting and analysing data on enterprises do not meet internationally recognized standards.

OECD Production Index (MEI) Results for the 2021. Results over 100 are showing the positive progress compared to reference year 2015.

Look closely Polish, Hungarian, Estonian and Turkish positions!  

The ManuFuture Technology Platform Vision 2030 (https://bit.ly/3AECy3uha) been set up in the European Union to plan industrial development and foresee steps to maintain European leadership in manufacturing. 

Estonia also played a role in developing this vision, whereas the 2017 EU annual conference Manufuture2017 http://manufuture2017.eu/  took place at Tallinn University of Technology.

Industry 4.0 programs in Europe also prompted the People's Republic of China to create its own strategy "Made in China 2025", which envisages China becoming the world's leading industrial country by 2049 through the development of new technologies.

In the USA, a network of 14 leading research institutes "Manufacturing USA" has been established https://www.manufacturingusa.com/ , which focuses on industrial innovation and the development of cooperation on digital manufacturing, additive manufacturing, robotics, cyber security, composites, etc.

Industry 4.0 most common focus areas are:

• preparation, manufacturing and quality control of complex prototypes, incl. by additive manufacturing

• development of digital twins, application of VR & AR technologies

• industrial robotics

• self-driving vehicles in production logistics

• preventive maintenance and optimization of smart production

• secure and sustainable energy supply for smart production (smartgrid)

Industry 4.0 and 3D printers

3D printers are a probably biggest and most widely spread part of Industry 4.0. 

While 3D printers are available in the 80s, commercially succsesful 3D printers has been possible in the last decade. 

3D printing technology today is at a stage where companies are starting to use them for prototyping and rapid toolmaking purposes. Big corporates are making significant investments in 3D printing knowledge and capabilities so that they can advise and join their clients in the Industry 4.0 wave and revolutionize supply chains, product portfolios, and business models in the process. 

If we keep 3D printing in focus and look that in perspective of Industry 4.0 we can find many developments and improvements in that field.

You can find topics described above in the short video lesson presented by PhD Taono Otto.

Also you can find a PowerPoint presentation for teachesr below!