Step by Step Instructions

In this page you will find Turkish tutorials, how to assemble working 3D printer

These are short videos to bring out basic important things and help you when you are assembling your own printer. 

Same principal skills and steps are also needed when you assemble some commercial 3D printer.

After some videos are some self control questions. They bring out main topics about each video and if you submit all anserws correctly, you can be sure that you understand everything.

Part 1 - Working principle of 3D printers


This video gives a short introduction of what a 3D printer can do and also explains the different types of printers used at the amateur and professional level. 

Includes an overview of what is needed to start with 3D printing in general (software and hardware). 

Explains the most important components of a 3D printer -  what’s their purpose and how they work.

Part 2 - Moving parts


Further explains the components in a 3D printer. The video starts by explaining the build of the chassis. It shows why the chassis is built in the way it is and how it relates to the moving parts in the 3D printer itself. 

Explains the movement of the different axes present in a 3D printer (X, Y, Z) and how components are able to move on them efficiently. 

Talks about the operation and importance of the motors and how they support the nozzle (component that does the printing).

Part 3 - Before starting to assemble the chassis


The teacher starts by displaying an open-cabinet version of a printer (which is the version you will be building). 

Talks about what to consider before starting building the chassis that holds all of the internal components together and what materials are used. 

Explains how all the components will be mounted within the chassis. This video has very important information about the assembling safety in order to avoid damaging the components and also how to avoid misalignments. Video finishes by explaining the steps that will be taken along the building process.

Part 4 - Building the chassis (1/3)


In this video the teacher starts to build  the chassis. 

The first step of assembling the chassis is to build the side frames (two are needed). Explains how safely connect sigma profiles with the corner connectors without damaging any of the other components. Shows the importance of installing the corner connectors correctly and how to avoid misalignments using the provided measurements. The 2 side frames must be identical!

Part 5 - Building the chassis (2/3)


Now that we have two identical side frames ready, we can start connecting the side frames using front and rear profiles.  Teacher explains how the frames should be aligned and connected using the corner connectors. 

After the front part of the chassis is ready, it is the best time to install the bottom cover plate. The video explains how to place the cover plate onto the channel of the top profile. You can do this step after finishing the chassis, but it makes it easier if you do it before installing the rear profiles. 

Video ends with installing the rear profiles.

Part 6 - Building the chassis (3/3)


In this video, we will finish the assembling of the chassis. In the previous video we installed the bottom cover, in this one it's time to install the rear cover. 

The video explains how to start the installation of profiles using the measurements provided in the manual. 

It shows how to check that all of the measurements are correct. Then it proceeds with installing and securing the rear cover using screw-in corner connectors. It is important to check every measurement and the screws/connectors in the end. And in the end we install protection caps at the ends of the profiles in order not to  scratch the table.

Part 7 - Plastic components assembly


At this stage of the tutorial we will mount the plastic holders which carry the axial components on the chassis. Before assembling the mounts for the motors and extruder, there are a couple of things we need to do. The video will show all the important aspects we should pay attention to when mounting the motors onto the plastic components.

Steps taken in this video:

Part 8 - Mounting the components (Installation of the Z Axis)


In this video we demonstrate how to mount the Z axis components. We start with installing the components we prepared in the last video to the chassis. First we install the Z axis motor mounts to the bottom sides of the chassis. It is important to be precise about the measurements. After installing the motor mounts we turn the chassis upside down to install the rod holders at the top. Before installing the rods we mount the profiles that connect the actual printing bed and components to each other. After the printing bed component is ready, we can start installing the rods of the Z axis through the printing bed holder. It is important to check everything is moving smoothly on the rods and all the screws are tightened. Also it explains how to adjust the couplings in order to fixate the threaded rods.

Part 9 - Mounting the components (Installation of X and Y Axis)


In this video you will first see the installation of the Y axis components. 

First we mount the two motor holders and the rod holders. After that we can connect the two 8mm Y axis rods on which the X axis components will move. 

Half way through this procedure we install the X axis mechanism on the rods. 

And it finishes by complete installing the rods and making sure everything slides smoothly.

Part 10 - Rechecking misalignments


In this video we first check the axial components installed in the previous step of the tutorial and after that we start mounting the electronic parts. 

After the alignments are checked we install the motor that will move the X axis mechanism on the rods (using belts). 

We explain what will happen when there are misalignments  in the build and how to avoid some of the common problems.

Part 11 - Mounting the belts (1/2)


In this part of the tutorial we install the belts on X and Y axes, which is the last part in terms of mechanical assembling. 

The teacher demonstrates how to measure correctly and cut the belts used in this step. 

First we install the Y axis belts. Teacher explains the alignments of the belts, what tools are needed and after that the installation of the belts is shown. 

Finally we install the X axis belt.

Part 12 - Mounting the belts (2/2)


Installation of the X axis belt. 

Rechecking the movement on the belts to make sure everything is running smoothly. 

Making final checks of all the alignments and screws so we can proceed to the electronics with a peace of mind.

Part 13 - Mounting the electronic components (1/2)


Introduction to the electronic parts that will be mounted to the 3D printer. The teacher explains how all of the electronic parts are related to the mechanical parts and how they are supposed to be installed and connected.

Part 13 - Mounting the electronic components (2/2)


We are starting with connecting the mainboard (arduino) to the motor connection adapter. After the motor adapter is installed to the arduino, it's time to connect the motor drivers. Last we install the display adapter. After that we connect the data cables. All of the arduino connections and sensors are also explained.

Part 14 - Mounting the heating bed, sensors and nozzle 


The teacher starts off by mounting the heating bed and sensors that were introduced in the previous video. He explains all the best practices when calibrating the heating bed. Next we install the sensors onto the axes motors. After that it's time to mount the nozzle.

Part 15 - Connecting the electronic components


After we've installed the sensors and the nozzle, we run the nozzle cables to the back of the printer through the hole in the wall. Then we connect the sensors cables and run them to the back as well. After that it's time to wire the motors. We will also make the connections between the extruder driver and the filament driver. Lastly we will mount the display to the chassis.

Part 16 - Mounting the controller, LCD and power supply - finishing touches


Now there is nothing left to do inside the chassis. It's time to mount the controller to the back of the chassis. After that we also mount the power supply and the power switch. Now it's time to connect the power supply cables and test it. You have to be very careful at this stage, it's possible to  burn your board if you connect the cables incorrectly!

Part 17 - Connecting the Heating Bed, Nozzle Unit and Sensors.


Now it is time to connect the sensors and switches to the arduino board. We will follow the connection diagram precisely. 

Part 18 - Connecting the Motor Cables and Checking The Display Functions


Now it's time to connect the motors to the board. After that we also connect the extruder cables and heat sensors to the appropriate driver. Finally we connect the display. Now that all of the connections are done, it is finally time to test our 3D printer! We have to check if the motors are correctly wired and see if they move in the presumed directions.

Part 19 - Calibrating the printer


In this video we will calibrate the nozzle in relation to the printing bed because there is a big distance between them. We need to check that the distance is the same for all corners of the printing bed and adjust it accordingly. After the calibrations are done, it is time to perform a test print to see if any additional calibration is needed.

Software installation to the controller card


In this video, we install the necessary software to the controller card that is used by our 3D printer. To do this, we need the Repetier software and we need to connect it to the Arduino board by connecting the board into an USB port.

Menu functions


In this video, we explore all of the detailed menus and submenus of the software that we installed on the controller card. We will be going through all of the functions and explain what you need to configure to get started with your printing.