DIY 3D printer examples

In this page you will find all the pictures, videos and all noticeable observations what project partners did and found out when they assembled their own 3D printers.

In the second project meeting in Turkey, in Kayseri Technical & Vocational High School Mr. Bulent Ozdemir & Co made us very professional and practical project meeting- all project partners had to assemble 3D printer kit!

That event was real hands-on learning experience and for most of us it was first time we could touch and work with 3D printer! 

Our project goal is to make same feeling/experience to our students and use 3D printers in our everyday learning process. Off course this means that every project partner school have to build their own 3D printer!

Like always, when many creative people are together, there are many different ways and solutions to do something. Below you can see different styles and versions of our 3D printers.  Beside small differences,  all our printers are FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling- melting plastic layer by layer)  and use commonly spread parts (ebay) and all printers overall layout and structure is the same.

You can see Turkish printer in "Step by step inctructions" and therefore it is not included in the list. 

Estonian 3D printer- includes some custom parts (motor mounts, Z carrier) witch was resulted of misordered parts - heatbbed was bigger!

Polish 3D printer - also includes custom parts (all added as SolidEdge file) and shape is different. Also it uses 3 color nozzle.

Hungarian 3D printer - use linear quide rail instead of bearing screw.